Click the highlighted answer to read more about it.
When I went to research the biggest U.S. dougnut sellers, which link came up in Google’s featured snippet at the top of the page? #4
- IBISWorld Donut Stores Industry Report
- – nope but they do list the 31 top local donut shops around the country.
- PoliceOne – Yup, not makin’ this up.
According to Statista, Dunkin’ was the brand of doughnuts eaten most often in 2019. What was the #2 brand? #2
- Tim Horton’s
- Store brand (If Statista won’t show you the bar graph, you’ll have to take my word it was there.)
- Krispy Kreme
- Entenmann’s
- Hostess
Which of these is NOT a flavor mentioned in’s Guide to the Weirdest Donuts in the U.S.? #5
- Foie Gras
- Pulled Pork and Potato Salad
- The Red Nosed Goat
- The Dirty South
- Blue Cheese and Bacon
Which of these ingredients is not found in the Dead Elvis flavor doughnut at Psycho Donut shop in San Jose, California? #4
- Banana
- Peanut Butter
- Bacon
- Maple Syrup
- Jelly
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